Aids and equipment

Our aids and equipment program helps provides subsidised aids and equipment, home and vehicle modifications to help you live safely and independently in your own home

To be eligible for the Victorian Aids and Equipment Program (VA&EP), you must:

  • Be a permanent resident of Victoria or
  • Hold a Permanent Protection Visa or Humanitarian Visa or be an asylum seeker and
  • Require assistive technology on a permanent or long-term basis for a health or ageing-related need.

If you have a disability and do not meet National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) eligibility due to age, residency status or functional impairment level you can also apply to the VA&EP.

For more information on the program and how to apply, see Victorian Aids and Equipment Program page on our Health.vic website.

Disability services
1300 650 172 (local call fee) or 03 9096 0133 (TTY)