Better Futures

Better Futures works alongside young people who are leaving care to identify goals and aspirations and connect them to their community.

Better Futures provides flexible and tailored support as you transition from care to adulthood.

Your case manager will refer you to Better Futures when you are 15 years and 9 months and your Better Futures worker is available to help you transition from care, when your Child Protection Order finishes, up until 21 years of age.

Better Futures includes:

  • Case work support
  • Information and advice
  • Money (Flexible funding)

Better Futures provides support across a range of life areas including:

  • Health and wellbeing 
  • Housing and living skills 
  • Education (including TAFE and University)
  • Employment 
  • Community and cultural connections (including mentoring)


To be eligible for Better Futures support, you must be in kinship care, foster care, residential care or permanent care on or after your 16th birthday and on a Care by Secretary Order, Long-Term Care Order, Family Reunification Order or permanent care order.

Permanent care orders 

If you are on a permanent care order, Permanent Care and Adoptive Families or Victorian Aboriginal Child Care Agency can refer you to Better Futures and Home Stretch.

You can find more information about eligibility and referrals on the Provider’s website.(link is external)

Service providers

The list of Better Futures service providers, formerly known as Leaving Care service providers, includes contact details of community service organisations and Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations providing Better Futures including Home Stretch. 

Melbourne City Mission's Frontyard Service manages our Leaving Care Hotline. You can use it to connect with your nearest post-care support program or ask about crisis accommodation. See 'Contacts'. 

Better Futures service providers contact details by town and/or area

Note: Some Better Futures providers also have Community Connections and are show as (Better Futures and Community Connections).

Find your local government area (LGA) using Know Your Council(link is external).

Melbourne City Mission Leaving Care Hotline
1300 532 846

9 am to 8 pm weekdays and 10 am to 6 pm on weekends and public holidays.