Family violence support for women and children with a disability

Women and children with a disability who are experiencing family violence require immediate access to crisis support.

The Disability and family violence crisis response initiative aims to assist Victorian women with a disability who are experiencing family violence. Women and their children may require immediate disability support to access a family violence crisis accommodation response while exploring longer term housing and support options or require immediate disability support to remain safe in their own home.

Short-term funds can be provided for up to 12 weeks to a maximum of $9,000 per person while the woman and her family violence worker develop a longer term plan.

How to access the crisis response funding

Once a family violence worker determines that a woman or her child/ren have a disability as defined by the Disability Act 2006, or who are victims of family violence and not eligible under the act but who nevertheless require support, a referral will be made to the Disability and family violence liaison officer (during business hours), or the safe steps Family violence response centre (24 hours a day, seven days a week).

It is the role of the liaison officer to confirm whether it is likely that the woman (or her child/ren) has a disability and, where appropriate, to approve short-term funds for disability related supports such as attendant care, hire of equipment, sign/Auslan interpreting or transport costs.

The liaison officer is available to discuss specific situations or concerns and can provide advice regarding the initiative and the disability support system.