In this series, disaster psychologist, Dr Rob Gordon discusses some of the emotions and emotional stages you may experience after an emergency, and suggests strategies to manage these feelings throughout your recovery.
1. Coping with stress after an emergency
In this video, Dr Rob Gordon, discusses strategies to cope with stress after an emergency.
2. Building trust and confidence in your community post-emergency
In this video, Dr Rob Gordon, discusses how you can build trust in your community after a major emergency.
3. Tackling uncertainty and anxiety ahead of the next fire season
In this video, Dr Rob Gordon, discusses strategies for tackling anxiety before the bushfire season.
4. Summer strategies to manage feelings and reduce stress
In this video, Dr Rob Gordon, discusses strategies to manage how you feel during emergencies.
5. Accepting the risk of bushfire and creating a new future
In this video, Dr Rob Gordon, discusses ways we can accept the risk of bushfire and offers strategies to reduce fear and worry
6. Learning to trust your own thinking and actions
In this video, Dr Rob Gordon, discusses how we can learn to trust our own thinking and actions after and emergency.